What we Do
Cognitive sessions for Individuals, groups, organizations, and care facilities.
Brain games for all ages and abilities—supporting cognitive growth and potential.
Personalized programs that provide engaging and effective sessions aimed at improving cognitive function through creative and innovative activities.

Working Memory Control's Our Ability to Retain and Manage Specific Pieces of Information Over Short Periods of Time.
Mental Flexibility Helps Us Carry or Shift Attention to Different Demands or to Apply Different Rules in Different Settings.
Self-control Allows Us to Set Priorities and Resist Impulsive Actions or Responses.
Processes New Memories for Long-term Storage. If We Didn't Have It, We Could not Live in The Present.
Our ability to process and interpret visual information about where objects are in space.
Executive Functions:
Visuospatial Perception:
Focusing One's Awareness on the Present Moment, While Calmly Acknowledging and Accepting one's Feelings, Thoughts, and Bodily Sensations.
Located in the prefrontal locations -
EF's are like a conductor directing
the symphony of the brains functions.
The Ability of the Brain to Modify its Connections or Re-wire Itself Throughout Life.
It Allows the Brain to Compensate and Adjust to New Situations or Changes in the Environment.

During the time that Gabriel presents challenges to our Adult Day Program participants ages 63 to 100, they remain engaged to the very end of the session, emerging excited about their many successes. We’ve been amazed at how they sometimes even decide to help each other solve what’s dealt them! The diagnosis among our group includes stroke, a variety of dementias, depression, schizophrenia and anxiety.
Brenda Russell, CTRS
Fulton County Department of Senior Services Atlanta